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Making your reader tick

We’re considering the process of content creation and the specific approach embedded in its execution. In our previous blog we discussed how the specific goal of the communication should be used as a compass for the time and effort used for the creation process.


So, let’s consider the link between the main goal of the content and its execution: if the goal is simply to get the message out there, offer a quick update, or give a newsflash, the process and end product should be simple, practical and punchy.

This type of communication is well suited to bold typeface, short sentences and super easy navigation - save the glitter and sparkles.

The goal is not to woo your crowd, but rather to offer digestible info that’s easy to follow. If they get it, you’re all good.

We’ve dubbed this content ‘quick-to-craft’.

The best solution: save time and serve the reader optimally by opting for simple, practical creations.

Captivating content

The full ideation process is called for when aiming to capture a loyal customer, who will support the brand despite offers from competitors. Additional effort is required because you need to appeal to a specific buyer’s persona.

This includes extensive market research to fully understand the consumer – giving the info needed to create the best suited user-journey.

The best solution: it’s worthwhile to offer extensive time, resources and skill-sets available to capture a loyal customer and appeal to the given buyer’s persona, who will continuously support the brand.

Select the approach

Naturally, this spectrum includes several variations of the process and the most suitable execution might be situated somewhere between the polarities. An effective approach when selecting the approach is asking: ‘what do I want the reader to feel when they’re looking at this?’ Your answer gives you an easy way of knowing how to approach the user-journey - or you can speak to us. :)

It’s thus essential to consider the phase of communication you're in and evaluate the reaction you’re wanting to evoke.

Stay tuned for our final piece of this series, where we’ll give some topical examples of creative ideation.

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